能见度仪发表时间:2023-11-06 16:43 能见度仪 Visibility Sensor 设备介绍: 能见度仪由发送器、接收器与处理器组成。发射器发出近红外光脉冲,经空气散射后被接收器接收,然后由散射系数估算出能见度(气象光学厚度)和消光系数。能见度反映大气的浑浊程度,不仅用于气象部门的天气分析,更广泛用于公路、航空等交通运输部门、军事等领域。 设备英文介绍: The visibility meter consists of a transmitter, a receiver, and a processor. The transmitter emits near-infrared light pulses, which are scattered by the air and received by the receiver. Then, the visibility (meteorological optical thickness) and extinction coefficient are estimated from the scattering coefficient. Visibility reflects the degree of atmospheric turbidity, and is not only used for weather analysis by meteorological departments, but also widely used in transportation sectors such as highway and aviation, as well as military fields. |